NAIR 5.0.0

Welcome to the 5th anniversary update!

NAIR version 5.0.0 adds a new major feature: customizable game modes.

Custom Game Modes

  • A new button has been added, under the Discord button on the main menu, allowing you to create custom game rules.
  • Custom game settings are saved as "modes" which can be played through the main menu, like any other mode.
  • All modes are also compatible with online play, and support rollback.
  • Game rules include tweaking the player's movement stats, and toggling new abilities such as airdashing.
  • Game modes are saved as individual JSON files, which can be edited in any standard text editor. This should allow you to set values outside of what the in game editor normally allows.
    • But it's not my fault if something breaks, I warned you!
    • (But also tell me if it does so I can fix it.)
  • This feature is not considered "done"- if there are things you'd like to see added to the customization suite, please let me know.

New Default Mode: Random

  • The "Random" game mode picks random game settings in a certain range every time you open it.
  • This game mode is not fair or balanced.
  • Good luck!

Other tweaks

  • A new title screen to celebrate NAIR's 5th anniversary.
  • The colors of the title logo will now change depending on your custom colors for Player 1 and Player 2.
  • You can now enter any game mode (NAIR, Oneshot, etc) with only one controller.

That's all for this update! The next major update should feature CPU opponents.
Thanks for sticking around for so long. This game's community has brought me boundless happiness over the years, and I will continue to update it as long as there are still people to play it.

I also rereleased NAIR 1.2.0 as a free demo. This was the last version of NAIR released in the old game engine, before online play was added, and is about 5 years old. While it's not super reflective of the actual, modern state of the game- I've relisted it for nostalgic purposes.

- Holly


Aug 22, 2024
Oct 01, 2019


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